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বরেন্দ্র এলাকার ইতিহাস

Geographical and geographical acquisition of Barind region or Rajshahi division

Location: Barind region or present Rajshahi Division is located between 23-48'-30 "North latitude and 26-38 'North latitude and 88-0" east longitude and 89-57 east longitude. The Karkatatti line went through a little south of the place (space between 24 and 23 degrees north latitude). Located in the middle of the 90th-degree hemispheres, this space is located in the middle of the 88th-2 'and 89-degree-57' longitude and almost midway to the eastern hemisphere.

Boundary of this place is Purnia, Jalpaiguri and Koch Bihar districts of India on the west, Purnia of India on the west, Malda district of South and North Dinajpur in India, Murshidabad and Nadia districts of India on the Padma river on the south and Kushtia and Rajbari districts of Bangladesh and Dhuldi district of India Located on the banks of the India's Tara District and the Jamuna river on the banks of the Brahmaputra river Two adesera Jamalpur and Tangail districts.

Size and population: Varendra Bhumi, Rajshahi Division, which consists of five districts of greater Dinajpur, Rangpur, and Bogra, Pabna and Rajshahi, has a population of 13,369 square miles (34,654 sq km) and according to the census of 1981, its population is 2,18,96,891 And 1637 people per classmate